Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Interactivity #5

Link to my spreadsheet:

My interviewee is a n elementary school Special Education teacher in the Roxbury School District. She has been teaching for four years within the same district. Upon asking her to allow me to interview her for my education course she was more than willing and excited to help. When I explained the topic of the interview however, she became slightly hesitant. I informed her that the interview would be based on her knowledge of the NETS-S she responded with, “Um, What the heck is that?!”. With hesitation, she still agreed to the interview. Once I introduced my teacher to the NETS-S she was interested by it. It seemed to be something that she had never seen before but understood the importance of it.

Based on my interview with the Roxbury School District teacher, I she did not have knowledge of a formal implementation of the NETS-S, however she expressed that the school she works with is starting to integrate technology more grade wide. Through two different conductions of and interview (both in person and via email) I learned that the Roxbury school district just recently provided smart boards to all of the classrooms, new computers, smart response systems, and having the students utilizing reading and math websites throughout the day. Because of their obvious efforts to make the students accustomed to the media. By exposing the students more to to these different technologies they will not be hesitant in the future to seek out technological resources.

I was not surprised by the teacher's responses throughout the interview. I had anticipated that she would not have had much knowledge of the NETS-S. I based this knowledge on the year that she graduated from college in comparison to the updated NETS-S. Since the standards weren't updated until 2007/ 2008, and the teacher graduated before those years, I did not expect her to have known much about them. I was surprised however by how interested she became with the NETS-S. Her limited knowledge seemed to make her more motivated to learn about them and potentially utilize them in the future.

As a future educator I would look to my administration in order to implement the NETS-S. I feel that it is important to utilize the standards due to the value that they possess for the students. It is important to help students become more immersed in technology. As society continues to developed and progress, the youth of today will be expected to take on technology hands on and proactively.