Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Interactivity #4

Link to my Spreadsheet:

I wanted to choose a lesson plan that not only already had technology in it; but was something fun, new, and had potential to further use the technology that was already presented. One of my favorite aspects of a story and the writing process is character development. I find it so interesting that there are so many different ways to show a reader who the character is and what their personality is. Therefore, I found this particular lesson plan interesting because it was a different way to help the reader see and understand the character. There were few gaps between the learning goals and the strategies. I feel that the standards fit the strategies well, there were just a few places were I would have liked to see the author of this lesson plan take more advantage of the technologies that he was presenting. The plan mentioned facebook and twitter and numerous other technologies and interfaces, but did not let the students experiment with it. I think that the teacher should have let the students actually send these messages to one another as a form of role playing in order to get a real feel for the technology and for the characters. The technology helps to achieve the curriculum goals because it sparks an interest for the students. The students use these technologies everyday and therefore find an interest in them. By incorporating them into the classroom with a story that they may be have difficulty with, they will become more engaged.


  1. Megan,
    I really enjoyed looking at the lesson plan that you chose. It makes such a good use of technologies...not to mention the title is absolutely brilliant. The incorporation of cell phone technology as well as use of social networking sites is very original and I don't believe many teachers would think to use these blatantly obvious tools. Our students already know how to use these technologies with high mastery so I believe it is a smart move to incorporate them into a classroom setting. Granted, there is always the possibility of them becoming a major distraction but I believe the pros outweigh the cons in this case.

  2. Megan,
    I thought your lesson and additions to the lesson plan were great and really addressed some issues a lot of students have with reading. My incorporating technologies that our student use daily, you have created a different way for them to understand that characters. When thinking about the lesson in relation to our READ 411 class, I can see this as a truly positive activity to allow students to break down characterization and understand the motives behind a story by embracing a characters identity. Further, anything that mentions the words, "Twitter" and "Facebook" are bound to grab a student's attention because it is their reality. These types of outlets also allow the students to use their creativity which is often left behind in the classroom. The students are creating their knowledge and understanding which allows them to truly latch on to the necessary information. Great job!
