Saturday, May 5, 2012


When thinking back to when I was in my own high school English class; I tried to remember times when my teachers included technology effectively in the classroom. If i combine the thoughts of technology mixed with my personal experiences in an English classroom i revert back to my ninth grade English teacher. She came to my high school straight out of college, young, willing to learn, and innovative. I could tell that she wanted to bring life into the classroom, and that is why she quickly became my favorite teacher. I remember her always trying to find new and interesting ways for us to learn in the classroom. As my years went on in high school I always favored this teacher, so much in fact that when I was a senior in high school I chose to be her apprentice teacher for the year through a program called Target Teach. Through this apprenticeship I saw how my favorite teacher grew not only with her lectures, but with her integration of different tools in the classroom. One of her projects that I found to be the most interesting and fun assignment was her music video project. The students had to take a song and change the lyrics of the song to better fit with whatever book they were reading. This gave the students the creativity to say what they wanted to say in a fun and new way and still learn in the process. They then had to film music videos of the songs, and edit them together to make a music video countdown. I found this use of technology enforcement interesting and fun and the students seemed to like it too.

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