Monday, May 7, 2012

Even the Little Ones

I am a substitute aide at my elementary school and have been for the past three years. Over the years I have noticed some changes in my elementary school. The old blackboards have been abandoned, the roll in over head projectors have been rolled away, and new smart technology has been installed in every classroom throughout the school. While I was sitting in the classroom, waiting for the teacher to leave for her lunch period, I looked around. Every student was hard at work, completing their classwork assignments with the teachers help, but based off of the work projected on the screen. I wonder how it would have been different 50 years ago, if a teacher projected something on the screen. Would the students be as attuned to and open to the technology in the classroom. After the teacher left I conducted my own little experiment with the second graders. I went around to different students and asked what their favorite kinds things to learn in class are. Some kids liked when the teacher read them stories out loud, and others liked when they did coloring activities, but many of the students said they liked it when their teacher showed pictures on the screen or when they watched movie excerpts. These are the kinds of lessons that the students are going to take away with them in the future. Technology really does make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. Megan,

    I find your entry rather upsetting but also englihtening at the same time. It makes me sad how blackboards and overhead projectors are being removed to be replaced by better technology. Yes, this is the way the world works and the Smart technology is better, but it still worries me that by removing the cornerstones of education that we make students forget how it was before all the newer pieces of technology. However, it makes me happy to realize how students have come to be excited about the new technology. The students approved of the Smart board as a viewing display of pictures and movie excerpts. That is only the most basic way it can be used. Once they learn how they become accustomed to how SMART technology really works, then that is when their education will be effected by technology the greatest.
